Tag Archives: weekly

Beta Round 2 Week 2 Progress Photos!

Hello all! As promised, here are the photos that show the difference between Round 2 Week 1 and Week 2! I’m once again blown away by the difference a week makes!

Back BA 17-18

BF BA 17-18

FF BA 17-18

Front BA 17-18

Left Side BA 17-18

Right Side BA 17-18

Twist BA 17-18

Hahaha, now that I’ve once again shown pictures of me in a bikini, I have to confess that I am really starting to get excited for swimsuit season! I’m not sure that I’ll be bikini ready by beach time, but I’m hoping to at least look great in a one piece or a tankini! It’s been a long time since I’ve felt confident in a swimsuit, and I think that this year is the year!

Just as an update: I probably won’t have the opportunity to do another Tuesday Tidbits for about a month and a half, since I am putting pretty much every ounce of free time I have into working on my thesis (and it is taking FOREVER!). I’m so sorry that I won’t be able to do a Tuesday Tidbits for a while, but I will at least update my blog with my progress and how I’m feeling!

So, yesterday was Core Speed, and it was SO MUCH FUN. In fact, it was TOO MUCH FUN, since my ankle is really really sore today. I’m taking it easy (got my ankle sleeve on), since today is Upper Focus, I’m hoping that will give me a bit of a break. I plan on doing a little walking to keep it warm, but I’m sticking to sidewalks and stopping the second it starts to really hurt. I’m also doing my balance exercises so I’m hoping that will help. But, despite it being sore today, it feels like a different kind of pain, and I’m hoping that it means my muscles are sore because they’re strengthening and not because they’ve been injured. Out of my two ‘ankle sprain’ tests, doing a quad stretch hurts (typical, since it pulls the muscle), but doing a calf stretch doesn’t hurt, which is a really good sign (if the calf stretch hurts, that means I’ve probably gone and re-sprained it).

Today, Sylvia and I are getting our reward massages for making so much progress (she’s almost past the lowest she’s weighed in her adult life, and I’m so proud of her!), so I’m looking forward to a little me time. Also, hopefully, my masseuse can soothe my ankle!

Thanks for reading, and I hope you have a great day! Stay healthy, my friends!