Week in Review so far

Greetings! So, I don’t have a ton of time, but I thought I’d write a quick update as to what’s been going on this week (and why this will probably be my last post this week, except for maybe a quick post tomorrow).

Core Speed on Monday was absolutely brutal. Sylvia and I went for a walk first, and then tried Core Speed, and we were wiped out. I like to think that all of the toxins stored up in our bodies from eating poorly last week were being sweat out and I’d feel much better the next day. Overall, on Monday, I ate pretty okay, maybe overindulging in calories a bit, but with mostly good stuff. We finished off the day with Primal bacon pancakes, which tasted really good even if they didn’t really hold together as pancakes.

The next day, I felt kinda sluggish (maybe due to the toxins or protein pancakes), but I was determined to get a lot of work done on my thesis… and I succeeded! I got about 7 pages done, and nearly completed one of the sections! I’ve still got a lot of work to do, but it feels good to get work done! I worked for about 9 hours straight yesterday (starting around 6:30 in the morning) and worked until about 4 PM. At that point, I was pooped, both mentally and, as a result of the brainwork, physically too. I opted out of Upper Focus yesterday, but I did do a lot of talking while carrying my 30 lbs. backpack, so that has to count for something! Unfortunately, all that brainwork ruined my self control and I had some pizza for dinner. I know… I’m the worst!

I’ve been trying to go to bed early lately (around 9 or 9:30) because I’ve found that I’m much more productive first thing in the morning. However, I didn’t get to sleep until around 10:30 last night since my roommate decided that 10PM was the perfect time to loudly and passive-aggressively do the dishes. Therefore, this morning I woke up feeling like I’m coming down with something. I had a headache, slightly sore throat, and just a sense that something was going down in my body. It could be a result of poor sleep all last week, exposure to new germs, poor eating, lack of exercise, you name it. I’ve since had some orange juice, taken my vitamins, and taken a Zicam zinc tablet. At the moment, I’m feeling a little better. I plan on having at least two servings of chicken noodle soup today since I cannot afford to get sick when there is so much work to do on my thesis so close to the deadline. I’m hoping that if I eat right and go to bed really early tonight that I will be able to kick this cold in the butt!

I’ve told my workout buddy that Focus T25 is probably a bad idea today (which is sad because I was really looking forward to it), but we’re still going to go for a walk to get the blood moving! Tomorrow I’m heading up to Warrenton to see my boyfriend, so I’m hoping to get a lot done in the morning. I’ll be heading back Friday evening so I can rest up and get work done on Saturday and Sunday!

I hope everyone is doing well! Have a great week, and remember to stay healthy!

2 thoughts on “Week in Review so far

  1. I found it incredibly difficult to eat healthily when I was in school and had a ton to do. I gained weight while getting my MBA and again when I took some intense classes while I pondered a career change. Try not to feel guilty! Just try to plan and do better next time. 🙂 I hope you feel better, Hokie!

  2. Thanks Bantam! I’m feeling better today, thanks to eating right and getting a good night’s sleep last night! I’m focusing on getting my diet back on track today and tomorrow, which should help me detox and eat right in the future!

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