Tag Archives: inches

New Starting Point – Measurements!

So, I’m kind of doing this bass ackwards, but I finally took my measurements (after not taking them for a month and a half and working out for two weeks prior – fail). I was inspired to take measurements though, since I just had my first pole dancing lesson, and, bruises and friction burns later, I have fallen in love with it! There is something so empowering about it. It is such an incredible strength workout, all while moving in feminine ways and boosting confidence! I was amazed at how large of a difference I felt even in my first intro class. I watched myself start off really clunky and unsure about how I should be moving and slowly becoming more comfortable with the moves and doing them better.

I have to admit – when I first started, I was like ‘oh my god, I am so NOT sexy!’ I was inflexible and self-conscious; I had a hard time letting myself go and really get into it. But the instructor was wonderful, and I was in a very small class with three other young ladies who were just as clunky as I was. I stopped comparing myself to them and just did my best, and by the end of class, I was feeling really confident and like I had come leaps and bounds in my ability to be sexy!

So, since I’m lacking other measurements from before when I started, I’ll be using measurements from 9/10/14 as a baseline:

Weight: 182.8

Waist: 34.25

Hips: 43.75

Bust: 38.5

Under Bust: 34

Right Arm: 12.4

Left Arm: 11.9

Right Thigh: 22.75

Left Thigh: 22.5

Body Fat: 39.0%

Lean Weight: 111.49

Fat Weight: 71.31

So, after slacking off for a month, and then working out approximately every other day for the past two weeks, here’s where I’m at:

Weight: 185.8 (+3.0 – wait for it!)

Waist: 33.75 (-0.5 Wahoo!)

Hips: 43.75 (-0)

Bust: 38.5 (-0)

Under Bust: 34 (-0)

Right Arm: 12.75 (+0.35 – totally okay bulking up a little bit!)

Left Arm: 11.5 (-0.4 – my arms are really weird hahaha)

Right Thigh: 23 (+0.25 – probably swollen from working out)

Left Thigh: 22.5 (-0)

Body Fat %: 38.1 % (-0.9% – I’ve lost almost a full percentage in body fat!! That’s HUGE!!)

Lean Weight: 115.02 (+3.53 – Bulked up a LOT!)

Fat Weight: 70.78 (-0.53 – still lost some fat even though I gained 3 pounds!)

I’m going to do my best to really watch my diet these next few weeks, as I start my pole dancing 8 week program! I’m going to supplement my Tuesday classes with Focus T25 every other day and stretching!

Thanks for reading! I still have to take before pictures, so hopefully I’ll get around to taking those soon! Stay healthy, friends!

Focus T25 Beta – Week 2 Results

Hello all! It’s Monday again, so it’s time for some results from last week! Hilariously, though the pictures I’m going to post are from only one week’s worth of difference, I didn’t lose hardly any inches this week. I know exactly why this is though. Last week, I was absolutely exhausted when I did my measurements, therefore I was feeling more emotional than I normally would be if I’d gotten a full night’s sleep. So, I think I pulled the measuring tape a little tighter than I should have, and I’m making up for it this week by being more accurate with my tape measure! So, here are my measurements that changed (for all of the others, see my post last week!):

Weight: 203.4 (-0.8)

Waist: 35 (-0.25)

Right Thigh: 23.75 (-0.15)

Body Fat %: 40.7 % (-0.3)

Overall, not too many inches, but considering my pictures, I can clearly see that I lost a lot! Look at the difference in my face, waist, and flexed back!

Back 11v12

BF 11v12

FF 11v12

Front 11v12

LS 11v12

Twist 11v12

My abs got much stronger this past week, as well as my arms and back!

I hope everyone is having a great day, and remember to stay healthy!